Lucie's Skincare Recommendations

Hi, I’m Lucie, the salon director of Elementary Skin & Body in Tring. I have put together a video talking about common skincare concerns and my recommendations for treatments and at home treatments. I I have covered concerns such as anti-ageing, acne prone skin and dry, dehydrated skin.

As you can tell this is my first time recording a video blog so I hope you find it useful and get lots of information from the video.

Please get in touch with us for any further information:

I hope this helps you to harness some self care time for yourself.

All the best,

Lucie x

Suggested treatments:

CACI Treatments more available here:

Suggested Products:

Taylor Made Therapies - Intensive Skin Serum £30 available in salon.

REN Clean Skincare - Clearcalm Non-drying Spot Treatment, £17.50 available on our online shop and in salon.

CACI Hydro Mask / Eye Revive Mask- £6 available via our website or in salon

View our online shop here

Lucie Fountain